THISxQHFZ校际赛 · 裁判报名表

CHINESE Phone Number
Max length of a speech
Middle School    ____________
High School    ____________
What happens if a speaker exceeds the grace period?
The judge should stop listening
The speaker is no longer eligible for 1st
Nothing will happen
Which of the following should a judge use to evaluate speeches?
Importance of the topic
Appearance (of the speaker)
All of the above
Place the following in order
You get a list of students in their order on the pairings chart
Wait until all speakers are in the room
Call the first speaker. Ask them to fill in their name and speech name on your ballot.
Listen to the first speakers speech
Write comments and give score to this speech
Repeat for all other speakers
Ask for more time if necessary.If you need extra time to finish writing on a ballot, score and write the winners first and let the volunteers take a photo of all the ballots.