SEP Webinar LN 1118 (Global Skills)

Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I often felt confused about what the facilitator was talking about and unsure of what to do.我经常对培训师讲的内容感觉到困惑而且不确定要做什么。
Occasionally I felt unsure of the activities but others in my group/near me were able to help me.我偶尔会不太确定要做什么活动但是我们小组/我附近的人能够帮助我。
When I was unsure of activities/concepts , I could get help from other participants or the facilitator quickly.当我不确定某些活动要怎么做或者某些概念什么意思的时候,我可以快速从其他学员或培训师得到帮助
The facilitator clearly communicated expectations, instructions, and concepts during the webinar.在整场培训中,培训师清楚地跟我们沟通了培训的期望、活动的指示和学术的概念。
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I don’t feel the concepts, ideas or activities applicable in my class.我感觉这些概念、方法或者活动都无法应用到我的课堂中
The ideas and activities are interesting, but only a few are applicable in my class.我认为这些方法和活动很有趣,但是只有很少数能应用到我的课堂中去。
I feel the concepts, ideas and activities are useful and I might employ some of them in my class.我觉得这些概念、想法和活动是有用的,我可能会在我的课堂上使用其中的一些。
I feel the concepts, ideas and activities are inspiring and practical and I will definitely employ a lot of them in my class.我觉得这些概念、想法和活动很有启发性,很实用,我肯定会在我的课堂上多多应用。
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
The amount of information was overwhelming and I did not have time to process everything培训信息量太大,我没有时间去思考所有要点
The amount of information was large and I struggled to keep up with everything.培训的信息量比较大,我感到跟上节奏有些吃力
The amount of information was appropriate and I could master a lot of the content after the webinar.培训信息量适当,培训后我能掌握很多内容
The amount of information suits me perfectly and I could master most of the content after the webinar培训的信息量很适合我,培训后我能掌握大部分内容
How likely are you to attend another event in the future?您是否会参加牛津大学出版社的其他培训及活动
I am not likely to attend any future events我以后不会参加任何活动
I am quite likely to attend another event in the future我有可能参见将来的培训及活动
I am likely to attend another event in the future on other topics我会参加将来的其他主题的活动
I am very likely to attend another event in the future.我极有可能会参加将来的活动
Please add any other comments that you have about the session: