SEP Webinar LN 1118 (Global Skills)

Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I didnt feel motivated by the facilitator.I didn’t feel engaged or inspired.培训师没有激励到我。我感觉参与感不强,没有启发作用。
The facilitator was passionate, but I didn’t feel engaged.培训师很热情,但是我感觉参与感不强
The facilitator was motiving and positive throughout.整场培训中,培训师非常鼓舞人心和态度积极。
The facilitator was motivating and positive, and I felt the facilitator really cares about education and my own professional development.整场培训中,培训师的态度积极并且非常鼓舞人心。我能感受到培训师真的很热衷于教育,并且关心我的教师职业发展
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
The platform is too complicated and time-consuming to get it working.此线上平台使用起来太复杂,要花很多时间操作
The platform is a little complicated but I could figure out how to use it with instructions.此线上平台有一点复杂,但是根据说明,我可以学会使用
The platform is quite user-friendly and I spent a little time figuring out the functions.此线上平台使用起来比较方便,我花了一点时间弄清楚如何使用
The platform is very user-friendly and all the functions are self-explanatory.平台用起来很方便,操作简单明了
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I couldn’t find who to go to when I need help.使用平台过程中,我需要帮助时,找不到任何人
I could find someone from the organizer for help but the process took quite long.我需要帮助时,可以找到组织者,但是过程花费时间很长
It was easy to contact the organizer for help and they were very helpful and efficient.很容易找到组织者寻求帮助,工作人员提供很多帮助,效率高
I did not require any help from the organizer.我不需要找组织者寻求帮助
Which age groups do you teach?您教授的是哪个年龄段的学生?(可多选)
3-5 years old
6-8 years old
9-11 years old
12-14 years old
15-17 years old
Please add any other comments that you have about the session: