Questionnaire of the 2nd of AGCO Changzhou Family Day 第二届家庭日活动满意度调查问卷

The 2nd of AGCO CZ family day was successfully ended. In order to improve employee activities, and get more feedbacks from all participants, we would like to invite you to complete the below questionnaire. Your valuable feedback will be important for us to continuously improvement! Thank you. 
1. 您觉得此次家庭日活动有没有很好地加深同事之间的感情?Do you think if Family Day has been enhanced colleagues communication and to know each other better?
有 Yes
没有 No
没什么感觉 No feeling
2. 您觉得此次家庭日活动有没有让您 的家人更加了解爱科? Do you think if your families know AGCO better through the Family Day?
有 Yes
没有 No
没什么感觉 No feeling
5. 与上一届员工家庭日相比,您觉得此次活动的组织工作如何? Compare to last Family Day, how do you feel this Family day?
很好 Excellent
比较好 Good
一般 Normal
不好 Bad
8. 总的来说,您对此次的家庭日活动满意吗? Generally, do you satisfied with this Family Day?
非常满意 Very satisfied
满意 Satisfied
一般 Normal
不满意 Not satisfied
9. 您的家人满意吗?Do your family satisfied with this Family Day?
非常满意 Very satisfied
满意 Satisfied
一般 Normal
不满意 Not satisfied