OTA (ESP) Foshan University 11.26-28 (Luke)

The course facilitator was professional and well prepared.To what extent do you agree?您在多大程度上同意“培训师是专业的并且准备充足。” ?
Disagree 不同意
Agree for the most part 基本同意
Agree 同意
Strongly agree 非常同意
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I often felt confused about what the facilitator was talking about and unsure of what to do.我经常对培训师讲的内容感觉到困惑而且不确定要做什么。
Occasionally I felt unsure of the activities but others in my group/near me were able to help me.我偶尔会不太确定要做什么活动但是我们小组/我附近的人能够帮助我。
When I was unsure of activities/concepts the facilitator was quick to support and explain.当我不确定某些活动要怎么做或者某些概念什么意思的时候,培训师可以很快地帮助我并进行解释。
The facilitator clearly communicated expectations, instructions, and concepts during the course/event.在整场培训中,培训师清楚地跟我们沟通了培训的期望、活动的指示和学术的概念。
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I didnt feel motivated by the facilitator.培训师没有激励到我。
The facilitator was enthusiastic, but sometimes they were unsure of what they were saying.培训师很热情,但是他/她有时候不是很确定他/她自己在说什么。
The facilitator was motiving and positive throughout.整场培训中,培训师非常鼓舞人心和态度积极。
The facilitator was motiving and positive throughout, and I felt like the facilitator pushed me to achieve the best I could.整场培训中,培训师的态度积极并且非常鼓舞人心。我能感受到培训师帮助我挑战我的能力极限去做得最好。
The facilities were comfortable. To what extent do you agree?您在多大程度上同意“会场设施令人感觉舒适”?
Disagree 不同意
Agree for the most part 基本同意
Agree 同意
Strongly agree 非常同意
Please add any other comments that you have about the session: