Domestic Pets Questionnaire(关于家庭宠物的问卷调查)

Age (您的年龄)
Under 20 (20岁以下)
20-30 (20至30岁)
Over 60(60岁以上)
Gender (您的性别)
Male (男)
Female (女)
Prefer not to disclose(不愿告知)
If there is a need, how much would you like to pay for the transportation of your pet? (如果有需求您愿意话费多少钱为您的宠物做运输)
Less than 500 AUD(Around less 2500 CNY) 少于2500元
500-1000 AUD(Around 2500-5000 CNY) 2500-5000元
1000-3000 AUD(Around 5000-15000 CNY) 5000-15000元
3000-5000 AUD(Around 15000-25000 CNY) 15000-25000元
Over 5000AUD (Around over 25000CNY) 多于25000
When buying pets, I would prefer to pick up the pet myself rather than transporting them.(在购买宠物时,我会选择自取而不是宠物运输)
Pet transportation services consist of multiple ethical issues. The current pet transportation method is abusive and will bring harm to pets. This issue should be dealt with seriously. (宠物运输服务涉及到伦理问题,需要严肃处理。如现如今的宠物运输方式会造成对宠物的虐待/伤害)
Agree (我同意此说法)
Disagree (我不认同此说法)