20211202 Enjoy its from Europe-Master Class Hangzhou享味欧洲杭州厨师学校大师班课程

您如何评价本次活动? How would you rate the organization of the event?
(5) 非常好 Very good
(4) 好 Good
(3) 一般 Sufficient/Satisfactory
(2) 差劲 Poor
(1) 非常差 Very poor
该活动是否引起您对使用欧盟食品和饮品产生兴趣?Did this event generate interest for you in using European Union food and beverage products?
是的 Yes
不是 No
如果是,请问是哪些产品呢?If so, which ones:
请从 0 到 10 的范围中评分(0-根本不可能,10-非常可能),您将该活动推荐给朋友的可能性有多大?On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being not at all likely, and 10 being extremely likely, how likely it is that you would recommend this event to a friend?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
请分享任何其他信息 Please share any additional information
此活动有使您对欧盟食品和饮品更加抱有期待么?Did this event meet your expectations?
是的 Yes
不是 No
如果没有,为什么?If no, why: