Benson Li - Employee Peformance Evaluation

ResourcefulnessBeing resourceful and capable of dealing with difficult situations, always trying to find solutions. Independently work with colleagues.足智多谋,积极思考,在面对困难局面或者挑战时总是想办法找到解决办法,具有独立思考能力。
Continuous ImprovementStriving to always improve him/herself in any professional aspects.努力在专业领域中不断提高自己的工作能力。
AccountabilityBeing reliable, accountable, and liable in execution of his/her personal and team work.在执行工作过程中可靠,有责任心,在团队及个人工作中做事有担当。
Knowledge and SkillsKnowledge of products and industries. Work skills in his/her job role.对产品及行业的知识掌握,本职工作技能。
Communication SkillsCommunication skills with all parties, defuse conflicts, convince people, negotiation skills. 与人沟通,关系协调,化解矛盾,说服他人,以及人际交往的能力。