2019 新进营运经理培训

3. 你认为学员的参与精神如何? What do you think about the participation of the group?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor
4. 教员和学员之间的关系是否融洽? What about the relationship between the participants and the trainer(s)?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor
7. 培训内容是否符合你的期望? Did the training meet your expectations?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor
14.教员是否能够回答学员提出的问题? Did the trainer(s) listen to the participants carefully?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor
15.教员是否遵循计划上的时间安排? Did the trainer(s) keep the program as the time planned?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor