4) What is the definition of zone 1 and why is it important?Zone 1的定义是什么,关键何在?
a) Areas that are highly visible and touchable during normal use. Defects on these areas may affect the sale-ability of the product在正常使用时視線範圍內看得到和可触摸到的区域, 如在此发现缺陷可能会影响产品的销售
b) Areas that are viewable only in certain instances, therefore defects found are not so important仅在某些情况下可见的区域,因此缺陷不是那么重要
c) Partial visibility and touchable during normal use, even if defects found, can still be sold在正常使用期间部分可见且可触摸到的区域,即使有缺陷也可以出售
d) All of the above 以上都是
e) None of the above 以上都不是
5) Select the correct drop test height for ceramic items less than 9 kg请问9公斤以下的陶瓷物品正确的跌落测试高度是多少?
a) 100 mm
b) 300 mm
c) 500 mm
d) 1000 m
e) 1 m
8) What is the acceptable range of moisture content measurement for premium products? 优质产品的水分含量测量的可接受范围是多少?
a) Indoor furniture 10-15%室内家具 10-15%
b) Children furniture 8-14%儿童家具 8-14%
c) Outdoor furniture 17%户外家具 17%
d) Indoor furniture 8-12%室内家具 8-12%
f) None of the above 以上都不是
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