PingAn 0611 webinar CLIL,IBL,Listening and speaking

The webinar facilitator was professional and well prepared.To what extent do you agree?您在多大程度上同意“培训师是专业的并且准备充足。” ?
Disagree 不同意
Agree for the most part 基本同意
Agree 同意
Strongly agree 非常同意
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I didnt feel motivated by the facilitator.I didn’t feel engaged or inspired.培训师没有激励到我。我感觉参与感不强,没有启发作用。
The facilitator was passionate, but I didn’t feel engaged.培训师很热情,但是我感觉参与感不强
The facilitator was motiving and positive throughout.整场培训中,培训师非常鼓舞人心和态度积极。
The facilitator was motivating and positive, and I felt the facilitator really cares about education and my own professional development.整场培训中,培训师的态度积极并且非常鼓舞人心。我能感受到培训师真的很热衷于教育,并且关心我的教师职业发展
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I don’t feel the concepts, ideas or activities applicable.我感觉这些概念、方法或者活动都无法应用到我的工作中
The ideas and activities are interesting, but only a few are applicable.我认为这些概念、方法和活动很有趣,但是只有很少数能应用到我的工作中去。
I feel the concepts, ideas and activities are useful and I might employ some of them.我觉得这些概念、想法和活动是有用的,我可能会在我的工作上使用其中的一些。
I feel the concepts, ideas and activities are inspiring and practical and I will definitely employ a lot of them.我觉得这些概念、想法和活动很有启发性,很实用,我肯定会在我的工作中多多应用。
Which age groups do you teach?您教授的是哪个年龄段的学生?(可多选)
3-5 years old
6-8 years old
9-11 years old
12-14 years old
15-17 years old
Please add any other comments that you have about the session:针对本次讲座及后续讲座,您有何评价或建议