入职培训课程评估Induction Training Evaluation-202111

一2.课程内容简洁易懂/The content of the course is easy to grasp.
4: 非常认同Fully Agree
3: 同意Agree
2: 不同意Disagree
1: 强烈反对 Fully Disagree
一6.我能把课程所学运用到日常工作中/I can apply what I learned to my daily work.
4: 非常认同Fully Agree
3: 同意Agree
2: 不同意Disagree
1: 强烈反对 Fully Disagree
五. 其他意见Comments
五2.您认为还有哪些需要重新设计或改进的环节?/What are the points in this course you think could be improved?