
您是否认为息税前利润EBIT是测量一个业务自我融资能力最好的指标?Do you think that EBIT is the best indicator measuring the self-financing capability of a business?
是 Yes
不是,因为销售净额才是 | No, because Sales Revenue is the best indicator
不是,因为税后利润才是最好的指标 | No, because Profit After Tax is the best indicator
不是,因为企业的资产负债率才是最好的指标 | No, because the asset-liability ratio of the business is the best indicator
不是, 因为它没有考虑银行利息费用支出 | No, because this ratio does not take into account the bank interest expenses
不是,因为它没有考虑到业务所需营运资金所需的流动性需求 | No, because this ratio does not take into account the liquidity impact of working capital needed by the business
不是,因为 ...... | No, because ......
业务部门经理们如何能为降低企业的资本成本做出他们的贡献?(多选题) | How can business line managers make their contribution to reduce cost of capital of our business? (multiple choice)
和银行谈判请他们降低我司贷款利息 | negotiate with the banks for reducing interest rates of bank loans
和股东协商让他们向下调整他们的投资回报预期 | negotiate with the shareholder to reduce their target ROI
缩短库存周转天数 | Shorten the days of inventory valued
和供应商谈判请他们接受银行汇票作为我司支付手段 | Negotiate with the suppliers and aks them to accept bank draft as mean of our payment
各部门停止招聘,自然减员 | All departments should stop staff recruiting and let the headcount down by natural fluctuation
下面哪些措施能够帮助我们优化销售团队人力成本? (多项选择) | Which of the following actions can help us to optimize the labor costs of our sales team? (multiple choice)
削减销售人员年度奖金 | Cut annual bonus for sales people
解散本公司销售团队,请我们的经销商全盘接手销售工作 | Shut down our sales team and ask our distributors/dealers to take over all sales jobs
请销售部门减少广告支出 | Ask sales department to reduce advertising expenses
升级销售CRM软件,显著减少销售团队日常数据输入时间 | Upgrade CRM software for sales, so that sales team can spent signifantly less time on daily data inputs
对销售人员每周或月度的工作时间进行统计分析,以从优化其销售业务活动 | Analyze the weekly or monthly working time of sales people for optimizing their sales activities
您认为零基预算ZBB, 间接成本价值分析OVA和作业成本法ABC有哪些共同点?(单选题)| What are the commonalities of Zero-Base Budgeting ZBB, Overhead Value Analysis OVA and Activity-Based Costing ABC in your view? (multiple choice)
它们没有共同点 | They do not have any commonality
它们都是“超越预算”的方法 They are all methods for “Beyond Budgeting”
它们都要求年度预算流程中有更多的自上而下和自下而上的谈判回合 | They are all calling for more top-down and bottom-up negotiation rounds in the annual budgeting process
它们都适合在业务重组时进行快刀斩乱麻式地减低成本 | They are all suitable for quick-and-dirty cost cutting program in time of restructuring
它们都遵循下列基本思路,即优化间接成本/结构成本应该通过优化相关部门的业务活动来达到 | They follow the same basic idea that optimizing overhead/structure costs should be done by optimizing the activities in the relevant departments.
下面哪些是测量营运资金管理绩效的关键绩效指标?(多选题) | Which of the following KPIs are used for measuring the performance of working capital management? (multiple choices)
现金周转天数 CCC (Cash Conversion Cycle)
营运资金占销售额的比例 | working capital on sales ratio (working capital in % of sales)
库存周转天数 Days of Inventory Valued DIV
应收账款周转天数 Days of Sales Outstanding DSO
应付账款周转天数 Days of Payment Outstanding DPO