
关于销售漏斗法,您同意下列哪些论断 (多项选择) | Which of the following statements about sales funnel analysis do you agree with (multiple choice)
它是用统计学上的回归分析法做的销售预测 | It is a sales forecast method based on the statiscial method of regression analysis.
它可以预测应收货款回笼的速度 | It can measure the speed of payment collection for our account receivable.
它可以测量我们收到客户订单到收到客户付款的流程耗时 | It can measure the cycle time of our process from receiving a customer order to receiving customer payment.
它能提供多个销售流程关键绩效指标,帮助销售团队人员提升销售绩效 | It can provide several sales process KPIs which help the sales team to increase their sales performance.
销售不仅在量上有大的增长,而且其盈利性和流动性水平也能不断提高 | Sales does not only grow but is able to increase its profitability and liquidity level continuiously
下面哪些措施能够帮助我们优化销售团队人力成本? (多项选择) | Which of the following actions can help us to optimize the labor costs of our sales team? (multiple choice)
削减销售人员年度奖金 | Cut annual bonus for sales people
解散本公司销售团队,请我们的经销商全盘接手销售工作 | Shut down our sales team and ask our distributors/dealers to take over all sales jobs
请销售部门减少广告支出 | Ask sales department to reduce advertising expenses
升级销售CRM软件,显著减少销售团队日常数据输入时间 | Upgrade CRM software for sales, so that sales team can spent signifantly less time on daily data inputs
对销售人员每周或月度的工作时间进行统计分析,以从优化其销售业务活动 | Analyze the weekly or monthly working time of sales people for optimizing their sales activities
优化企业物料成本有一套思路叫“COIN”。 请问下列哪些命题和这套思路相关?| There is an approach for material cost optimization which is called as COIN. Which of the following statements are related to this approach?
减少生产部门人员 | Reduce headcount in production
按目标成本法重新设计产品 | Redesign the product following the approach of target costing
和物料供应商谈判以获得更好的采购价格 | Achieve better result in purchase price negotiation with our material suppliers
加强物料的集中采购 | Enhancing central purchasing of material
帮助关键供应商减低其内部成本 | Help key suppliers to reduce their internal costs
提升整体人工效能(OLE)会带来哪些财务效果?(多选题) | Which financial impact may an improved Overall Labor Effectiveness (OLE) have? (multiple choice)
总是能够降低人力成本 | Always reduce the labor costs
减少我们的应收账款 | Less account receivable
在每月产品产量或服务量保持不变的情况下,可以减少每月人力需求 | Less labor demand in each month, if the monthly output volume of production or service delivery remains stable
减少我们设备的折旧和维修费用 | Less depreciation and maintenance expenses of our equipment
在每月团队人头维持不变的情况下,可以增加月度产品产量或服务量 | Produce more products or deliver more service volume, if the headcount of the team remains unchanged
下面哪些是测量营运资金管理绩效的关键绩效指标?(多选题) | Which of the following KPIs are used for measuring the performance of working capital management? (multiple choices)
现金周转天数 CCC (Cash Conversion Cycle)
营运资金占销售额的比例 | working capital on sales ratio (working capital in % of sales)
库存周转天数 Days of Inventory Valued DIV
应收账款周转天数 Days of Sales Outstanding DSO
应付账款周转天数 Days of Payment Outstanding DPO