加拿大阿尔伯塔大学工商管理硕士研究生项目教学质量评估表Course Evaluation and Student Opinion of Teaching Survey The University of Alberta-MBA

The course presentation was normative, clear, accurate and logical. 讲课内容规范、清晰、准确、逻辑性强。
Strongly Agree(5分)
Somewhat Agree(4分)
Somewhat Disagree(3分)
Strongly Disagree(2分)
Not applicable(1分)
Instructor stimulates my interest in the subject matter.老师激发了我对这个学科的兴趣。
Strongly Agree(5分)
Somewhat Agree(4分)
Somewhat Disagree(3分)
Strongly Disagree(2分)
Not applicable(1分)
The instructor helped students to analyze and solve problems.帮助分析与解决问题。
Strongly Agree(5分)
Somewhat Agree(4分)
Somewhat Disagree(3分)
Strongly Disagree(2分)
Not applicable(1分)
Please provide constructive comments of course improvement.请为课程提高提供一些建设性意见。
Please provide constructive comments of the work of your head teacher.请为班主任工作提供一些建设性意见。