4 满意度调查问卷

My workload takes too much time from me which I could spend in doing my work well.工作量繁重导致我不能有更多时间用来提升工作品质
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意
My supervisor supports my work-related learning and development.我的上级主管对我的职业学习和发展表示支持
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意
Please select out 5 words from below list that you would use to describe your supervisor 请从下面的列表中选出5个词描述您的主管:Foresighted高瞻远瞩
Goal orientation 目标明确
Open to ideas 开放思想
Organized 有规划
Responsible 有责任感
Proactive Initiative 积极主动
Helpful 乐于助人
Logical 逻辑性強
Strategic vision 有战略眼光
Negative 消极
Bigoted 偏执
Implementer 实干家
Assertive 自信
Aggressive 积极进取
Bad-tempered 急躁
Reliable 可信赖的
Micromanaging 事无巨细
Never encourages吝啬鼓励
Disingenuous 狡猾
Poor listener 不善傾听
Rigid thinking 顽固
Inexperienced 经验不足
Discriminating 歧视他人
Expert 专家级的
Coaching 善教导的
Dishonest 不诚实的
The morale in my department is high我部门的士气高
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意
The company has a safe work environment.公司拥有安全的工作环境
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意