【CDC】全日制GMBA校友职业发展调查问卷Career DevelopmentSurvey for GMBA Alumni

请注明国籍 Your nationality
目前工作去向 Current employment status
求职并已落实工作单位Seek Employment and Employed by an Employer
回家族企业工作Return to family business
委培或定向就业Company Sponsored
返回(或留在)原单位Return to previous company
创业Starting own business
创业基本情况描述(请包含目前创业的产品/服务/阶段/规模/是否有融资等等具体信息)Description of your start-up company status (eg. Product/Services/Stage/Size etc)
目前工作你的收获是(请列举至少3点,按重要程度排序,不少于20字) What have you got for your present job (Please list at least three points by order of importance, no less than 20 words)
您目前工作单位是否有招聘需求?Does your company have recuritement needs?
是 Yes
否 No