2018 环球旅讯峰会 & 数字旅游展


Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire


Dear Delegates:


Thank you for attending the 2018 TravelDaily Conference & China Digital Travel Show. Your feedback is very important to us, please take a moment to fill in the following questionnaires. This will help us ensure that we continue to improve our service and stay relevant to you for the events next year. 


The questionnaires will take just 3 minutes to complete and you're also encouraged to leave further comments in the following blanks.

*1. 1.以下问题,请从个人收获或价值角度,给出您的评分(5星为最高分) | In the following questions, please mark the boxes on a scale from 1 to 5 (where 5 is the highest):


a.Your rating for this year's exhibition and exhibitors:


b.How do you think of our session topics?


c.How do you think of our Event Networking Platform?


d.Your rating for the overall interaction experience during exhibition: 


e.How do you think of our general arrangements of this event?


f.How do you think of the overall performance of this event? 

*2. 2.会议交流平台,或者展会期间安排的社交活动,您认为哪些交互形式比较好,还有哪些地方有待改进?| Among our various interaction channels including our online communication platform and the networking activities we've arranged during the exhibition, which way of interaction do you think is better? What aspects do you think we can improve in, please?

*3. 3.本次展会您最大的的收获是什么? 也期待您给我们写几句鼓励或感言| What value or business partners have you gained through this exhibition? Could you please share more about your feeling or experience with us? Your testimonials are highly appreciated.

*4. 4. 本次展会您最不满意的地方是什么?您认为我们还应该在哪些方面改进和完善?| Please let us know if there's any part about the event that you're not satisfied with? What aspects do you advise that we should work on to improve, please? 

*5. 5.您的公司名称 | Your Company

*6. 6.您的姓名 | Your Name

*7. 7.您的职位 | Your Title

*8. 8.您的手机号码 | Your Phone Number