
*1. 性别 (Gender)
*2. 年龄 (Age)
*3. 国籍 (Nationality)
*4. 学汉语多久?(How long have you been studying Chinese?)
*5. 你每天上网的时间大概多长?(How long approximately do you spend every day on surfing internet?)
*6. 你在国外的时候怎么跟当地人交流?【可选两个】(How do you communicate with local people while living abroad ? [Can choose two] )
努力学习当地的语言,尽量与当地人交流(Learn the language and try to communicate with native speakers)
想用当地语言交流,但怕发音不准 (Want to speak with others, but afraid pronunciation is notcorrect)
找自己国家的朋友,并只使用母语交流 (Find the friends from your own country and spend with them most ofthe time)
使用英语或母语交流 (Using English or mother language)
*7. 你平时上网有没有打开中文的网站?(Do you open some Chinese websites while surfing the Internet ?)
*8. 你知道哪些网络词语?【请举例】Which Chinese internet slang words do you know ? [Please example]
*9. 你是通过什么方式掌握这些网络新词语?【可多选】Where do you learn these words ? [Can choose few]
最少选择 1 项, 最多选择 5 项
网络媒体(微博、人人网、浏览网页等)Social media such a Weibo, RenRen, browsing website.
跟朋友聊天 (Chat with fiends)
报章杂志 (Newspaper/magazines)
老师有提到 (School teachers)
其他(请注明)(Others, please specify)
*10. 你对中国网络新词语的态度怎么样?有没有兴趣? (What's your opinion about Chinese internet slang words? Do you have any interest ?)
*11. 你跟其他人交流的时候有没有使用网络语言?Do you use Chinese internet slang while communicating with other people?
*12. 对外国留学生学习来说,汉语网络语言重要吗?(Does Chinese Internet slang important for foreign student's education ?)
*13. 你认为在生活中网络语言的好处是什么?【可多选】 (What do you think is a benefit of using internet slang words in the common life ?[Can choose few])
最少选择 1 项, 最多选择 5 项
幽默搞笑 (Humorous)
输入方便 (Convenient)
体现当代中国文化 (Represent the contemporary of Chinese culture)
没有好处 (None)
其他(请注明)(Others, please specify):
*14. 你认为利用网络语言的缺点是什么?【可多选】  (What do you think is a shortcoming of using internet slang words? [Can choose few])
最少选择 1 项, 最多选择 6 项
更新太快速,旧词容易淘汰 (Rapidly changing, old words using less and less)
不规范,导致汉语退化 (Nonstandard, degrade Chinese language)
老一辈和新一代代沟变得更深 (Generation gapbecome more big)
有些词语低俗 (There are some vulgar words)
没有缺点 (None)
其他 (请注明)(Other,please specify):