
Apply to Join in PREMIER VIP Buyers Club


Premier VIP Club is a beauty industry social platform based on the South China Beauty Expo (SCBE), gathering thousands of high-quality members from retails, brands, importers, distributors, wholesaler, manufacturers in beauty industry, integrating high-quality procurement resources in the beauty and daily chemical industry and promoting efficient business matching. Buyers are encouraged to leverage the resources and platform of this program to develop concrete business opportunities with other cosmetics companies.

*1. 公司名称 Company Name
*2. 称谓 Salutation
*3. 姓名 Name
*4. 职位 Job Title
*5. 电子工作邮箱 Personal Business Email
*6. 手机 Mobile
7. 公司官网 Website
*8. 名片上传 Business Card
*9. 您的公司性质(可多选): Nature of Business (Multiple selection)
美妆日化个护品牌商 Brand owners of Perfumery, cosmetics and toiletries
实体渠道商 Department Stores / Chain Stores
代理商 / 分销商 / 批发商 Sole Agent / Distributor / Wholesaler
出口贸易商 Export Distributor
电商 Online Shop / Mail Order Company
10. 店铺分布区域有:(多选) The distribution area of the store is: (multiple selections)
华东 East China
华南 South China
华中 Central of China
华北 North of China
西南 Southwest of China
西北 Northwest of China
东南 Southeast of China
东北 Northeast of China
海外,在哪些国家:Out of China, in Which country:
*11. 您需要采购的产品品类(可多选): The product category you need to purchase (multiple selections are possible):
包材 Packaging materials
美妆日化个护品牌商 Beauty daily personal care brands
原料 Raw material
机械设备 Mechanical equipment
其他(请填写)Other (please fill in)
*12. 年度计划采购金额: Annual planned purchase amount:
*13. 公司采购周期是多久? What is the company's procurement frequency?
*14. 贵司全年的采购高峰在什么季度? What are your peak purchasing quarters throughout the year?
*15. 您愿意参加俱乐部的哪些活动?(多选) What activities would you like to participate in at the PREMIER club? (Multiple selection)
供需对接会,与优质供应商会面 Business Matching meetings with high-quality suppliers
与VIP俱乐部成员的社交活动 Social activities with VIP club members
采购培训会 Procurement training sessions
知识分享会 Knowledge sharing sessions
不确定 Not sure
*16. 您是否愿意参与线下展会期间(7月4-6日 深圳会展中心)的闭门对接会,您倾向参与对接会的时间段是:  Are you willing to participate in the business matching meetings during the offline exhibition prefer to participate in the matching making meeting is:   
*17. 是否有目标对接的品牌或企业,希望主办方可以帮忙对接? Is there a brand or company that aims to match and hopes that the organizer can help with the matching?

感谢您的申请,您的申请将由主办机构进行审核,选定的申请者将会通知你们加入华南国际美容博览会的买家计划。Thanks for your application. Please note that each application will be evaluated and selected buyers will be contacted by the organiser.

更多买家服务,您可直接联系: Contact us for more about visiting:



黄小姐 Stefanie Huang

电话 Tel:020 3895 1635

邮箱 Email:stefanie.huang.cn@informa.com