YKPS Alumni Survey 包校校友问卷

Congratulations! You are now a YK Pao School Alumni! Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey. Pao School wishes you the very best in your future endeavors, and hopes to be able to keep in touch with you,wherever you go!  
*1. Alumni family information 校友家庭资料
Alumni 校友
Father 父亲
Mother 母亲
Name 名字 (CHI & ENG) 
Mobile phone 手机
Email address电子邮箱
Mailing address 通讯地址 
*2. Current School & Year Group 目前就读学校及年级
*3. The year I joined Pao School was… 我加入包校的年份是......
*4. The year I left Pao School was…我离开包校的年份是......
*5. What had the greatest impact on you during your time at Pao School? (Please specify reasons)在包校的学习经历对你影响最大的是什么(请说明原因) 
*6. My favourite teacher at Pao School was (Please specify reasons)…我最喜爱的包校老师是(请说明原因)
*7. What learning experience or activities did you enjoy the most at Pao School? 在包校印象最深刻的学习经历是?
*8. Would you be willing to support Pao School in the following ways? 你愿意在哪些方面支持包校?
Yes 支持
Maybe - need more information 希望支持 - 需要更多资料
Not interested at this time 目前不感兴趣
Become an alumni representative and contact person for the alumni in your region or those in your class 成为校友代表 - 联络各地校友
Volunteer at alumni events or for the Alumni Association 为校友活动及校友会担任志愿者
Share your knowledge and experiences with current students or the alumni community 与包校学生或校友分享你的知识与经验
*9. 【To parents 家长回答】Would your parents be willing to support Pao School in the following ways? 你的家长愿意在哪些方面支持包校?
Yes 支持
Maybe - need more information 希望支持 - 需要更多资料
Not interested at this time 目前不感兴趣
Become an alumni family representative and contact person for the alumni families in your region or those in your class 成为校友家庭代表 - 联络各地校友家庭
Volunteer at alumni events or for the Alumni Association 为校友活动及校友会担任志愿者
Share your knowledge and experiences with current students or the alumni community 与包校学生或校友分享你的知识与经验
Support the development of the Foundation 支持基金会发展
*10. Would you be interested in participating in the following alumni activities? 你会有兴趣出席以下校友活动吗?
Yes, highly interested 非常有兴趣
Not interested at this time 目前没兴趣
Alumni Reunions 校友返校
Alumni events in your region 校友地区活动
School Anniversary 校庆
*11. Are there any other alumni events you would like to see take place at Pao School? 你还希望校友联络处举行哪些活动?
*12. How do you prefer Alumni Relations Office to communicate with you regarding news and upcoming events/activities? (Select all that apply) 你希望校友联络处以何种形式与你沟通最新发展或校友活动?(可多选)
Through Alumni representative 通过校友代表
Email 电邮
Social media 社交媒体 e.g. Facebook, WeChat 
Post 邮件
Website 网站
*13. Anything else that you want to share with us 其他你想和我们分享的意见或信息