
'2020 Cambridge Summer Project' Brochure Request Form

請簡單填寫以下資料, 我們將由專人為您寄送2020年紐頓教育的劍橋暑期研學營小冊子, 內容包括:
- 完整的日期和行程規劃
- 學習領域和活動介紹
- 劍橋師資團隊簡介
- 價格和最新優惠

Please fill in the following details, a designated member of our team will contact you and send you our Cambridge Summer Project 2020 brochure, which will include:
- the details of the itinerary plan and date
- the areas of learning and activity brief
- the main teaching team’s profiles
- prices and promotion
領取人資料 Your Information
* 姓氏 Surname:
* 名字 First Name:
* 電郵地址 Email Address:
* 微信號 WeChat ID:
領取小冊子詳情 Brochure Request Details
* 請選擇寄送方式 Please select the preferred method of delivery:
* 請問您需要以下哪種語言的小冊子? Which version(s) of brochure(s) would you like to have?
繁體中文 Traditional Chinese
簡體中文 Simplified Chinese
* 我想領取以下的小冊子 I would like to receive the following brochures:
劍橋英語成長營 English Immersion Programme(10-13歲 years old)
劍橋領袖研學營 Leadership Development Programme(14-16歲 years old)
劍橋升學預備營 University Preparation Programme(16-19歲 years old)
* 請問您是為何人領取劍橋暑期研學營小冊子? 
To whom would you like to collect the brochure of Cambridge Summer Project for?
Select at least1
為自己 For myself
為其他親人 For other relatives
為家庭成員: 子女 For family members: my children
為朋友 For friends
參加者資料 Participants' Information
* 參加者的學校資訊 Participants' School Information
學校名字 School Name:
就讀年級 Current Year:
* 參加者出生年月 Participants' Date of Birth:
Please select
其他資訊和同意函 Other Information and Consent
* 如何知悉是次劍橋紐頓暑期研學營?
How did you hear about our summer Programme?
Select at least1
網上社交平台, 如Facebook, Instagram…等 
via. Online Social Platform
via. Friends
via. Parents
via. School
透過海報 / 小冊子等
via. Poster / Brochures etc.
其他 Others
* 我同意英國劍橋紐頓教育KnewSTEP使用我的個人資訊,我願意通過郵件或電話接受紐頓教育最新的資訊,優惠及活動專案。
I agree that KnewSTEP Education uses my personal information and I am willing to receive the latest information, offers and events from KnewSTEP Education by email or phone.