House of the Hyper Pop Digital Design 


受肆虐全球的疫情影响,今年海外绝大多数的暑期课程都已停摆,因此Studio Alpha 大巧筑人(SA)联合美国南加州建筑学院SCI-Arc China Initiative 将在上海开办2020暑校,内容为SCI-Arc传统IDD暑期课程(Introduction to Digital Design)。本次暑校由南加州建筑学院 Director Hernán Díaz Alonso, Graduate Program Chair Elena Manferdini,Program Director of China Initiative Steven Ma 等知名老师直接授课,旨在为中国建筑学生提供更多学习和交流机会,实现知识共享。


*IDD课程成果展示 Student: Yutao Fang
Instructors: Andrea Cadioli & Rachael McCall


Open to creative individuals, inspired professionals, and current college students and graduates, Introduction to Digital Design (IDD) is a two-week workshop on the most contemporary digital techniques. The portfolio building summer program introduces students to architectural experimentation and transformative design techniques in a unique and lively in person studio setting. During these intensive two weeks, students will investigate a range of digital modelling and representation techniques in Maya along with highly focused tactical classes on Artificial Intelligence, Grasshopper, Zbrush and Unreal Engine. Rooted in still life techniques, students will interrogate a series of still objects and how they react in terms of composition, rendering and lighting effects.

*IDD课程成果展示 Student: Kumaran Parthiban
Instructors: Jeff Halstead & Rachael McCall


This course will focus primarily on teaching students how to digitally model different types of formal and representational characters with an emphasis on “cuteness”, and its formal and chromatic properties. As a point of departure, the class will be looking at the work of Takashi Murakami. These images will be used as a foundation for developing skills in constructing drawings, rendering and polygonal modeling.

*IDD课程成果展示 Student: Liu Xin
Instructors: Jeff Halstead & Rachael McCall


学生将学习多种建模、贴图和渲染技术,探索多平台工作流程,研究多边形网格建模和表现技术。(软件涵盖Maya、Arnold、Z-Brush、Rhino、3D打印软件、Adobe Photoshop 和 Adobe Illustrator)

本次课程为期两周,费用6900元,7月13日开始至7月25日结束,其中每周一、三、五为主讲老师根据以上课程安排进行线下教学。每周二、四会有 SCI-Arc 院校任职老师带来的不同主题的线上讲座,助教老师也会全程辅助答疑辅助同学们完成教学任务。请感兴趣的同学填写下面的报名表。


*1. 请问您的姓名是?
Please fill in your name
*2. 请问您来自哪所院校?
Please fill in your academic institution
*3. 请问您的现有专业背景是什么?
Please fill in your major
*4. 请问您现在是
Please select your current status

*5. 请填写您的微信号(请确保已设置可通过微信号添加好友,我们将通过微信联系您报名事宜)

Please fill in your WeChat ID

*6. 请填写您的电话或email(若微信不方便联系)

Please fill in your phone number or email (if any)

*7. 请问您是否需要SA协助安排工作营期间的住宿?
Do you need Studio Alpha staff help you to arrange the hotel booking?