员工食堂满意度调查表Canteen Satisfaction Survey

各位员工:    为了完善公司食堂管理,持续提高服务质量,让员工更加精神饱满的做好生产,此次调查为不记名调查,希望大家从公司及自身实际出发,积极配合、认真、详实的填写。您的见解和意见对于公司食堂未来发展至关重要,在此问卷中我们需要了解您的真实想法。 谢谢配合! 

Dear colleagues,

       In order to optimize the canteen management system, sustainable improve service quality and support production in a high efficient way, the food committee conducts this anonymous satisfaction survey for the CJLR canteen. Your passionate participation and valued opinion will be highly appreciated. All your constructive feedback will steer the development of the food service in the near future and the journey to excellent canteen.

*1. 1.您对食堂卫生状况

1.How do you like the hygiene of the canteen?

*2. 2.目前您对食堂用餐的排队情况

2.How is your waiting time for the food serive?

*3. 3.您对食堂的饭菜种类 

3.How do you like the food choice?

*4. 4.您觉得食堂饭菜的新鲜度

 4.Is your food fresh enough?

*5. 5.您对食堂饭菜质量

5.How do you think the food quality

*6. 6.您对食堂菜的份量

6.How do you think the food quantity?

*7. 7.您认为食堂工作人员的服务态度 

7.How do you think the staff service attitude?

*8. 8.您认为食堂工作人员的个人卫生

8.How do you think the personal hygieneof the staff ?

*9. 9.您认为食堂的菜类更新频率 

9.How do you think the menu updating?

*10. 10.你觉得食堂饭餐中的异物的出现情况 

10.How do you evaluate the foreign body in thedish?

*11. 11.有员工建议取消饮料+水果的模式,更换成饮料或者水果隔天供应,但是相应的饮料或者水果的质量需要提高。对此观点,你的意见是(此题不计入考核分值)11.Changecurrent fruit and drink mode to one fruit / drink per day and increase thequality of fruit or drink for the cost balance(Thisis not the score counting part)
*12. 您对饮料 +水果模式的别的建议other options

13. 13.除此之外,您对餐厅还有什么意见或建议?(该提为开放性问题,不计入考核分值)

13.Do you have any other input orsuggestion for the canteen? This is not the score counting part.