CTEF 2021 Art Contest 明日中华教育基金会 2021年度艺术比赛

All entries are due by: Dec  20st, 2021。截止日期 2021年12月20日
*1. Student First Name 参赛人名字
*2. Student Last Name 参赛人姓氏
*3. Gender 性别
*4. Age 年龄
*5. Grade 年级
*6. Student's  school name 学校名称
*7. Parent/Guardian name 家长或监护人姓名
*8. Parent/Guardian email 家长或监护人电子邮件
*9. Parent/Guardian Contact Phone Number 家长或监护人电话
*10. Address (Street, City, State, Zip) 联系地址
*11. Art Teacher's name (if applicable) 艺术指导教师姓名
*12. Grade Division (Check One) 报名年龄组
*13. I grant to CTEF an irrevocable, unlimited license to display, copy, sell, sublicense, publish, and create and sell derivative works from, my work submitted for the CTEF Art Contest. CTEF is not responsible for lost or damaged works. Entries will not be returned. I affirm that this is my own original work. I understand that the submission of my entry into the CTEF Art Contest constitutes acceptance of the above condition, in addition to my agreement of the rules and guidelines stated in 2017 CTEF Art Contest Submission Rules and Guidelines. CTEF reserves the final right to make any changes. 
我给予明日中华教育基金会(基金会)对于参赛作品的全权授权-基金会由全展示,使用,营销,出版,设计制作基于参赛品的商品和印刷品。 基金会不承担对于邮寄参赛品丢失,损伤的责任。 邮寄参赛作品不退回。 我保证参赛作品是我个人原创作品。 我接受基金会对参赛作品的要求及比赛规则。基金会有权修改比赛规则。
*14. Student's signature (Name typed below in authenticate all the information provided in the form)
参赛人签名 (以下填入名字等同签名)
*15. Parent's signature(Name typed below in authenticate all the information provided in the form)
家长签名 (以下填入名字等同签名)
*16. Date 日期

*17. Please upload your art work here 请在这里上传文件

*18. Title 作品名称
*19. Artist statement (required): Explain how your work relates to the theme, further how it relates to mission and vision of CTEF  作品说明