Zombie Avengers Online’s beta testcustomer survey research
<Zombie Avengers Online>删档封测用户满意度调查

Thank you the player to invite Zombie Avengers ’s beta test customer survey . Your support is our motivation, through the question we can better improve the game, you can put any of your ideas and suggestions are submitted to us.

感谢您参与<Zombie Avengers Online>测试体验调查问卷,您的支持就是我们的动力,通过问卷我们能更好的完善游戏,您可以将您的任何想法和建议都提交给我们。

*1.  Your age is? (您的年龄是?)

*2. your current job is? (您目前的职业是?)

*3. How long do you spending on Zombie Avengers Online one day(您一天在<Zombie Avengers Online>上所花费的时间是)

*4. what issue are you find when you login and play the game ?(登陆和正常游戏体验中遇到的异常?)

*5. How do you feel aboutgraphic in game?(您对游戏美术的评价是?)
*6. where isn’t satisfy in the game? (您对游戏不足的地方是?)
*7. .Any idea in the game(您对游戏有什么建议?)