
Dear exhibitors friend! Welcome your interest in this event, please fill in the information, we will serve you sincerity!

一.企业信息Enterprise information
*1. 企业名称/The name of the enterprise
*2. 联系人员及职务/Contact personnel and position
*3. 身份证号码/ID card No.*
*4. 手机号码/Cell Phone number
*5. 电子邮箱/Email
*6. 微信号/WeChat
*7. 二、您的身份Industry
董事长/总经理The chairman / general manager.
采购经理/采购专员Purchasing Manager / specialist.
业务经理 Business Manager
行业服务人员The manager of the marketing department.
市场部经理The manager of the marketing department.
*8. 三、经营种类/types of business
创新型消费电子/Consumer electronics
5G周边产品/5g peripheral products
智能家居/Intelligent home furnishing
智能家电/Smart appliances
服务机器人/Service robot
虚拟现实/virtual reality
数字健康科技/Digital health technology
智慧城市/Smart city
智慧交通/Intelligent transportation
智能防护/Intelligent protection
电子烟/Electronic cigarette
*9. 四、参会目的/The purpose
选择代理产品Selection of new product
寻找合作伙伴Looking for a partner.
行业观摩学习industry learning
寻求出口途径finding the exit way
寻找合作商家/looking for business
搜集市场/产品资料collect market/product information
为本行业进行服务For production equipment
*10. 六、如何得知本届展会/How do I know this exhibition
最多选择 3 项
互联网了解/the Internet understanding
展商推荐/Exhibitors are recommended
大会官方网站/the official website
电子邮件/the e-mail of the Organizing Committee.
媒体杂志、行业网站/media magazine
经销商推荐/The agency recommended
属于往届展商/the previous exhibitors
曾经参观过本会/Once visited us