Kingdom Holdings Ltd. - ESG Stakeholders Questionnaire 金达集团 - 环境、社会及管治报告之利益相关者问卷调查

In order to better understand the view of stakeholders on Kingdom’s practices on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) aspects, please indicate the importance of the following issues of Kingdom from your own perspective using the scale of 1 to 5 (5 is the most important). It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.为了更好地理解利益相关者对金达在环境,社会和企业管治方面的看法,请以1到5的比例从您自己的角度说明以下金达议题的重要性(5为最重要)。大约需要5分钟便能完成。
*1. Your identity 您的身份
*2. Name of your company / organisation 贵公司/机构名称
*3. Your name | 姓名
*4. Mobile Number | 手机号码
*5. Email | 电邮地址
*6. Green operation | 绿色生产
*7. Energy/resources consumption and emission | 能源/资源消耗与排放
*8. Greenhouse gas emission | 温室气体排放
*9. Management of domestic wastes | 生活垃圾管理
*10. Environmental investment | 环保投资
*11. Sustainability performance | 可持续发展绩效
*12. Anti-corruption | 反腐败
*13. Risk Management | 风险管理
*14. Whistle-Blowing Policy/Grievance Channel | 举报政策/申诉渠道
*15. Quality and compliance certification | 质量和合规认证
*16. Patents | 专利
*17. Supply chain management | 供应链管理
*18. Participation in industry association | 参加行业协会
*19. Fair and open procurement procedure | 公平公开的采购程序
*20. Customer Satisfaction | 客户满意度
*21. Customer Information Security and Privacy Policy | 客户信息安全和隐私政策
*22. Customer complaints | 客户投诉
*23. Remuneration System | 薪酬制度
*24. Prohibition of child and forced labour | 禁止童工和强迫劳动
*25. Rights and Interests of employees | 员工权益
*26. Employees’ training and development | 员工的培训与发展
*27. Labour Relations | 劳资关系
*28. Community Responsibilities | 社会责任
*29. Public welfare charity | 公益慈善
*30. Volunteer activities | 义工活动