CUAV 2024 University Sponsorship

Welcome to apply for CUAV Sponsorship. Please fill in the following information truthfully and completely. Please add the project leader Whatsapp (+8613226442382)  after submission to obtain the results and discuss about the delivery details. Thank you!
*1. Name
*2. Telephone
*3. WhatsApp
*4. University
*5. Major
*6. Team Member Number
*7. Team Member Names
*8. Award Experiences
*9. Can you shoot photos and videos during the project and send them to us? They may be posted on our social media.
*10. Can you feed back the photos and videos within two weeks after the project is over?
*11. Competition or research projects
The competition or research project Name
Start time
Project Introduction
End time
*12. Previously used open source products by the team
Flight controller
*13. Please describe your project or competition in detail. 
How it will be applied in practice?
What is your plan about the project?
*14. Student ID/Campus Card
*15. A photo of you holding the student ID/campus card (to prove you're a student)
*16. The pictures and videos of experiences related to unmanned systems(If the file is too large, please add Whatsapp (+8613226442382) to submit)
*17. Signature
*18. Shipping Address
Shipping Contact
Zip Code