
2019 澳門休閒科技展調查問卷(2019 MGS Entertainment Show Survey Question)

您認為以下哪項最符合您的期望?Which of the following do you think best met your expectations?
獲取行業信息並與參展商交談□Getting information on the industry and talking to exhibitors
會議程序和演講者的演講□The quality of the conference program and speakers
產品介紹□Product Presentation
與供應商/客戶進行交易□Making a deal with a supplier / client
與業內人士建立聯繫□Networking with people in the industry
尋找新的商機□Finding new business opportunities
請參考附錄Q4.Please refer to appendix Q4.
過去一年中您是否參觀過其他展覽會?Have you visited any other trade shows in the past year?
是 yes
否 no
您最希望從澳門休閒科技展中接受信息或邀請的方式是什麼?What is your preferred way to receive information or invitation from MGS Entertainment Show?
電子郵件□By email
傳真□By fax
簡訊□By mail
社交媒體□Social Media
附錄 Appendix