
Spotifys impact on niche artists and how its shaping the musical tastes of young generations

3.How often do you use the feature ‘Made For You’? / 你多长时间使用一次 Made for you 功能?
Daily basis / 每天都使用
Once or twice a week / 每周一到两次
No fixed time / 没有固定的时间
Never / 从不
4.When using Spotify, do you listen more to songs based on a recommended playlist or do you go straight to the home page of your favourite artist, playlists or albums. / 在使用Spotify时,你是比较常根据推荐的播放列表听歌曲,还是直接进入你喜欢的艺术家、播放列表或专辑的主页。
Recommended Playlist / 直接点击播放列表
Straight forward to artists or albums / 直接进入喜欢的艺术家主页或专辑
6.Which if any of these have you used? (please tick all that apply)/ 请勾选以下所有您使用过的功能。
Your Genre Mixes
Your Artists Mixes
Your Decade Mixes
Soundtrack your day
Uniquely Yours
Your Daily Mixes
Never used before
11. How would you rate the feature ‘Made For You’? / 如何为 “Made For You”打分?
Good / 优秀
Neutral / 一般
Poor / 差
n/a / 不详
15. Would you recommend the feature Made For You to your friends? / 您会向您的朋友推荐“Made For You”这个功能吗?
Yes / 是
No / 否