
Michaelmas 2019 Registration秋季学期2019报名

Childs Chinese Name 孩子中文名
Age 年龄
Phone No. #1 手机号码 #1
Weekend Programme SIGN-UP - Academy Saturday After School Programme (SAP) 周六课外兴趣课报名
None of the Weekend SAP Courses 不选周六课外兴趣课
SATURDAY 周六 Wellington Science Experiments 6-11yrs惠灵顿 - 科学实验 6-11岁 9:00-10:00 (1,925 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY周六 Wellington Science Experiments 8-11yrs惠灵顿 - 科学实验 8-11岁10:15-11:15(1,925 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY周六 Wellington Science Experiments 6-7yrs惠灵顿 - 科学实验 6-7岁 11:30-12:30(1,925 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY周六 Wellington Mathematics 8-11yrs惠灵顿 - 数学 (提高班) 8-11岁 09:00-10:00 (1,650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY周六 Wellington Mathematics 6-7yrs惠灵顿 - 数学(提高班) 6-7岁 10:15-11:15(1,650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY周六 Wellington Mathematics 7-9yrs 惠灵顿 - 数学(入门班) 7-9岁 11:30-12:30 (1,650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Spanish Language Beginners 5-8yrs西班牙语(零基础入门班) 5-8岁 10:15-11:15(1,650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Spanish Language Intermediate 7-11yrs西班牙语(提高班) 7-11岁 11:30-12:30(1,650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 French Language Beginners 6-8yrs法语 (零基础入门班) 6-8岁 09:00-10:00(1,650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 French Language Beginners 3-5yrs法语 3-5岁零基础入门班 10:15-11:15(1,650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 French Language Basic法语 3-5岁基础班 11:30-12:30(1,650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Chinese Language - Mandarin Junior School Prep.中文 - 语文幼小衔接课程 4-7yrs岁 10:15-11:15 (1320RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Chinese Language - Junior School Literacy 8-10yrs中文 - 小学整本书阅读 8-10岁10:15-11:15 (1320RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Piano Beginners 3-8yrs钢琴(零基础-入门) 3-8岁 09:00-10:00 (1320RMB/11X)
SATURDAY周六 Piano Intermediate 3-12yrs钢琴(提高班) 3-12岁 10:15-11:15 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY周六 Piano Advanced 3-12yrs钢琴(精进班) 3-12岁 11:30-12:30 (2200RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Basketball 篮球 5-8yrs岁 10:15-11:15 (1100 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Basketball 篮球 9-12yrs岁 11:30-12:30 (1100 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY周六 (International) Chess 5-15yrs 国际象棋 5-15岁 8:30-10:00 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 (International) Chess 5-15yrs 国际象棋 5-15岁 10:15-11:45 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Football 足球 5-8yrs岁 11:30-12:30 (1100 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Football 足球 9-12yrs岁 12:45-13:45 (1100 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY周六 Football足球 5-8yrs岁 14:00-15:00 (1100 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Baseball 棒球 6-8yrs岁 9:00-10:00 (1650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Baseball 棒球 9-12yrs岁 9:00-10:00 (1650 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Swimming - Basic 6-10yrs游泳(零基础-入门) 6-10岁 09:00-10:00 (1320 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Swimming - Basic 6-10yrs游泳(零基础-入门) 6-10岁 10:15-11:15 (1320 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Swimming - Intermediate 6-10yrs游泳(提高班) 6-10岁 11:30-12:30 (1320 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Tennisbasic 网球基础班-5-7yrs 岁 10:15-11:15 (1320RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Tennisbasic 网球基础班-8-12yrs 岁 9:00-10:00 (1320 RMB/11x)
SATURDAY 周六 Chinese Traditional Calligraphy 中国画 6+yrs岁 9:00-10:10 (2200RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Chinese Traditional Calligraphy 中国画 6+yrs岁 10:15-11:25(2200RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Chinese Traditional Calligraphy 中国画 6+yrs岁 11:30-12:40(2200RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Creative Arts 创意美术 3-5yrs 岁 10:15-11:25 (2200RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Creative Arts 创意美术 6-8yrs 岁 11:30-12:40 (2200RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Creative Arts +Parents 创意美术亲子课 2-3yrs岁 9:00-10:10 (2200RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Creative Cartoon 创意动漫 5+yrs岁 9:00-10:00 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Creative Cartoon 创意动漫 5+yrs岁 10:15-11:15 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Creative Cartoon 创意动漫 5+yrs岁 11:30-12:30 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Dancing - Royal Ballet - Basic 舞蹈 - 英皇芭蕾舞(基础班)5-7yrs岁 9:00-10:10 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Dancing - Royal Ballet - Basic 舞蹈 - 英皇芭蕾舞(基础班)3-5yrs岁 10:15-11:25 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六 Dancing - Royal Ballet -Intermediate 舞蹈 - 英皇芭蕾舞(提高班) 6+yrs岁 11:30-12:40 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六Pencil Sketch 素描8+yrs岁 8:40-10:10 (1650RMB/11X)
SATURDAY 周六Pencil Sketch 素描8+yrs岁 10:15-11:45 (1650RMB/11X)
Parent Agreement 家长协议STUDENT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE: The Parent or guardian of the Student (“the Parent”) will provide health and accident insurance coverage for the Student (the Policy).PUBLICATION OF STUDENT/PARENT IMAGES: The Parent agrees to allow the School to publish images of the Student and Parents for the purposes of School promotions where such images are taken or recorded in school premises or at school activities. USE OF EMAIL/WECHAT: The Parent agrees that the School may distribute School announcements and updates to the Parent at the email address and/or WeChat address provided by the Parent. The Parent is responsible for ensuring that the email and WeChat address(es) on file with the school are current. RELEASE: The Parent, on behalf of the Parent and the Student, hereby agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the School, its officers, directors, principals, employees and agents from any and all claims and damages arising from the enrolment, attendance, participation, withdrawal or expulsion from School programs of the Student, including, but not limited to, participation in school, bus program, field trips, and resulting in any manner from the Students presence on or off the School property. REFUND POLICY Cancellations – Credit Refunds1. Please note that there may be cancellations to our Academies for the following reasons, in that case, credit will be offered:a. Weather/Pollution Academies will be cancelled if the school pollution AQI reading is 200 or above. We will notify parents and pupils in advance in this instance. b. School Events For Wellington students only, credits will be issued when an approved school fixture or tournament requires the attendance of a pupil. Parents need to notify academy office 24 hours in advance, otherwise no credit will be offered. c. Staff Illness In the rare occasion that a staff member is unwell and unable to teach an alternative teacher will be provided. In the unlikely event that there is no alternative teacher available the Academy will be cancelled and a credit will be issued. d. Missed Academy Sessions Refunds, credits or make up lessons will NOT be given for non-attendance of Academy lessons for any reason.2. Credit Expiry Date the credit should be used within one Academic year, after the expiry date the credit will be invalid. • 100% of the total amount returned as Academy Credit, if participant withdraws one week before the start of the course. Credit can be used to purchase Academy Programme courses.• 50% of the total amount returned as Academy Credit if withdrawing less than one week before the start of the course. When withdrawing during the course, the Credit amount is based on the remaining number of sessions on a case to case base.Credit can be used to purchase Academy Programme courses.学生人身健康意外保险:家长或监护人(以下统称家长)需为孩子提供人身健康和意外保险。报名课程既默认您已经为孩子投保。学生/家长肖像发布:家长同意允许学校发布以活动推广宣传为目的的拍摄于学校场地或学校活动中的学生或家长的照片。电子邮件/微信使用:家长同意学校发送通知公告和消息至家长提供的电子邮箱和/或微信。家长需确保提供给学校在用的电子邮箱及微信账号。免责声明:家长(代表家长及学生)同意学校、学校工作人员、主管、负责人、雇员和代理人对于学生参加学校项目的报名、出勤、出席、取消、开除,包括但不限于参与学校项目、校车、户外项目和导致的学生以任何方式在学校设施和场地内外由于任何原因遭受的任何损失损害及伤害免责并免于赔偿, 并放弃对上述学校及相关人员的索赔权利。退款请注意,在如下列举的情况下,课外课程学院课程将会取消,课程费用将以抵用金形式返还:a. 天气原因/空气污染校区内空气质量指数 AQI 达到或超过200。户外活动将会被取消或转移到室内。我们将提前通知您。b. 学校活动本条款仅适用于天津惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校学生。学生因参与学校活动而不能按时参加课程的,可以获得该次课程的抵用金。家长需要提前以24小时通知课外课程团队, 否则将不能得到抵用金。c. 教师病假个别情况下,老师会因病假不能上课,课外课程团队将会安排代课老师上课。如果不能安排代课老师,课程将会取消。并给予本次取消课程费用同等金额的抵用金。d. 学生缺席学生任何原因的课程缺席将不给予退款、课程抵用金及补课。2. 抵用金使用期限 抵用金需在产生后的一学年内使用完,逾期不可抵用。•整个学期课程开始前, 提前一周及以上取消, 将给予课程费用100%的抵用金,抵用金可用于支付课外课程。• 整个学期课程开始一周内及开始后取消,将给予课程费用50%的抵用金,按照剩余课时数计算,抵用金可用于支付课外课程。任何原因造成的缺课或请假不适于于此条款。
Agree 同意
Disagree 不同意 (you will have to pick Agree, to successfully finish this Registration请勾选同意以成功报名)