

What are the greatest obstacles to your organizations growth and prosperity in the next24 months? 在未来两年里阻碍您企业发展和前景的两个最大障碍是什么?
What are the greatest obstacles to your personal growth in the next 24months? 您认为在未来两年里阻碍您个人发展最大障碍是什么?
The greatest ongoing strength of your organization,and greatest area for improvement? 目前,您企业的优势和需要改进的地方是什么?
Your greatest ongoing personal strength, and greatest area for improvement?目前,您个人的优势和需要改进的地方是什么?
What concepts/areas in the pre-reading material do you think may be helpful to you? 您认为课前阅读资料中的哪些概念/内容可能对您有帮助?