

是否参加过巴萨足院训练营(夏令营、冬令营或短训) Have you ever taken partin a Barca Academy Camp activity(Summer, winter camp or clinic)?
您是如何得知海口巴萨精英足院的?How did you knowabout Barca Academy Pro Haikou?
1、招生对象:2007-2017年出生,身体健康,无先天性疾病,传染病等;Enrollment requirement: Born between2006-2016 , healthy without any congenitaldiseases and infectious diseases etc.2、请认真填写报名表,如更换联系方式,需第一时间通知工作人员; Please fill in registration form carefully and immediately inform staff if your contactinformation has any change. 3、学员须按课程安排参与训练,若因个人原因迟到、早退或缺课,海口巴萨精英足院不承诺予以补课;Players should participate in training according to the schedule , Barca Academy Pro Haikou does not promise to make up the missed training, if the players are late or leave earlyor absent for personal reasons.4、学员报名后,因学员或家长(监护人)自身原因中途终止训练的,已交款项恕不退还;After enrollment, payment is not refundable if players or parents (or guardian)s own reasons to terminate the training.5、在训练期间一切行动须听从教练安排;Players should obey coaches’ instructions during the training. 6、训练时禁止佩戴项链、手表等首饰;No necklace, watches etc is allowed to be worn during the training.7、训练时须统一着训练服,穿足球鞋并佩戴护腿板;Players have to wear training kits uniformly and bring football boots andshin pads.8、海口巴萨精英足院保留最终解释权,且有权更改以上项目,恕不另行通知。Barca Academy Pro Haikoureserves the right to change the terms for the programs without prior notice.
家长或监护人签名 Signature of Parent/Guardian: