

Name 姓名
Think of a high-trustrelationship you have, describe what this person does to build trust.回想你拥有的一段高信任度的人际关系,描述一下在这段关系中,你所信任的那个人的哪些行为增强了你对他/她的信任?
Whatis it like to work in your company? How collaborative is in your organization?你认为贵公司在人际信任方面做得如何?贵公司内部的合作能力如何?
What is your most challenge in your team operation?Analysis the credibility of the systems of the organization inwhich you have the stewardship, What is the outstanding aspect?在团队管理方面,你目前面临的主要挑战是什么?作为管理人员,分析你所在组织管理系统能否很好地支持团队成员间的信任。出色的方面有哪些?
What is the reputation of the organization in that you have thestewardship to the external partnership?Who are your external loyalty customers? How do you analysis andkeep the customer relationship?你认为你的组织或团队在外部合作伙伴中的口碑如何?哪些是你们的外部的忠实客户?你通常如何分析与维护客户关系?