
中意快闪店 Luxottica上海

您访问快闪店的原因是什么? (可以多选)What was your reason(s) for visiting the Pop-Up Store? (You can choose multiple)
需要眼科检查 Needed an eye exam
想买眼镜(需要新的处方)Wanted to shop for eyeglasses (needed a new prescription)
想买眼镜(已经有有效处方)Wanted to shop for eyeglasses (already had a valid prescription)
想在商店购买太阳镜/其他物品 Wanted to shop for sunglasses / other items in store
我们在哪些方面做得好?What did we do well?
您如何评价店员的乐于助人? (选一个)How would you rate the helpfulness of the store staff? (Choose one)
很好 Very good
好 Good
一般 Fair
不还 Bad
极差 Very bad
如果除了标准的专业的眼视光检查(40-45 分钟)之外,我们还提供简化检查(20-25 分钟)选项,您将来参加的可能性会更大还是更少? (选一个)If we were to offer a simplified exam (20-25 minutes) option in addition to our standard professional comprehensive exam (40-45 minutes), would you be more or less likely to participate in the future? (choose one)
更可能 More likely
没有影响 No impact
不太可能 Less likely
我们可以做得更好吗?What could we do better?