
2019年控制部人员能力现状及提升方向调研Questionnaire on the current situation and improvement direction of personal competencies in CT 2019

预算管理能力 Budget management ability
低:了解公司预算管理制度和原则,了解预算制定及执行过程Low: understand the companys budget management system and principles, understand the budget formulation and implementation process
中:掌握预算编制方法,能够完成预算执行过程中的跟踪和控制Medium: master the budgeting method and be able to track and control the budget implementation
高:不断提高预算制定准确性,能够引导各专业部门通过优化预算管理实现业务优化High: constantly improve the accuracy of the budget and guide the professional departments to realize the business optimization by optimizing the budget management
会计税务知识 Accounting and tax knowledge
低:了解会计知识基本原理和公司经营相关税种Low: understand the basic principles of accounting knowledge andbusiness related taxes of company
中:能够制作管理会计口径报表,了解公司经营相关税种的税率及计算方法Medium: canmake management accounting statement, understand tax rates and calculation methods related to the companys operations
高:能够对会计报表进行全面分析,发现公司经营存在的财务问题及税务问题High:can conduct a comprehensive analysis of accounting statements and find out the financial and tax problems of the company
产品定价管理能力 Product pricing management ability
低:了解公司基本产品价格信息与定价逻辑,理解销量与售价关系Low:understand the basic product price information and pricing logic, understand the relationship ofsales and price
中:能用较强的逻辑思维能力,结合量、价、销售支持的关系,采用定价工具,输出具有建设性的销售价格建议 Medium: with strong logical thinking, use the relationship between quantity, price, sales support and the pricing tools to outputvaluable sales price suggestions
高:能结合公司利润与销量等目标,产品战略定位以及产品销售状况,提出具有战略眼光的销售价格建议,并能得到销售人员认可 High: can combine company profit, sales target, product position and product sales status, propose sales price suggestions with strategic vision, and suggestions can be approved by the sales staff
外语能力 Foreign language ability
低:能够借助翻译工具看懂工作相关外语邮件及资料Low: can use translation tool to read the work related foreign language mail and information
中:能够使用外语完成日常工作交流,包括听说读写Medium: able to use foreign language to complete daily work communication, including listening, speaking, reading and writing
高:能够使用外语进行专业性工作研讨,例如参与外语WorkshopHigh: be able to use foreign languages for professional work, such as participating in foreign language Workshop
您是否认为针对专业能力提升相比公司培训部门内部培训效果更佳?Do you think that for professional competence improvement the departments internal trainingeffect is better than the companys training department?