
OTA (ESP) Foshan University 11.26-28 (Luke)

The course facilitator was professional and well prepared.To what extent do you agree?您在多大程度上同意“培训师是专业的并且准备充足。” ?
Disagree 不同意
Agree for the most part 基本同意
Agree 同意
Strongly agree 非常同意
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I found the facilitator uninspiring.我认为培训师没有给我很多灵感。
The facilitator was passionate about the course/event and OUP.培训师对这个课程和牛津大学出版社抱有热情。
The facilitators passion for the course/event was motivating.培训师对这个课程的热情非常鼓舞人心。
I feel the facilitator genuinely cares about education and my own professional development.我感觉培训师非常重视教育和我个人的职业发展。
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
There was little group work and when there was, I didnt feel it was very effective.基本上没有小组活动,哪怕有小组活动的时候也不是十分有效。
I felt the course was interactive but sometimes I wish we had more time to discuss the activity afterwards.我认为这个活动有互动性但是有时候我希望我们有更多的时间用于活动后的讨论。
The course/event was interactive and the facilitator managed group work and reporting well.我认为这个活动有互动性,同时培训师很好地管理了小组活动和汇报。
I was impressed by how the facilitator managed group work and reporting; I will employ some of the methods they used in my future classes/work.我认为培训师管理小组活动和汇报的方式令人惊艳; 我会在我未来的课堂/培训中采用其中的一些方法。
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I do not feel like this course helped me develop.我认为这个课程没有帮助我发展。
I will use the activities in my classroom/future trainings/work.我会在将来的课堂/培训中采用我学到的一些活动。
The course helped me evaluate my current teaching/training and has inspired me to develop my practices.这个课程帮助我评估我现在教学/培训水平,并给了我灵感去进一步改善我的教学实践。
The course will have an impact on my practice and I will be pursuing further training/reading on the areas brought up.这个课程对我的教学实践有巨大的影响,我会继续寻求这些方面的培训/阅读。
Please add any other comments that you have about the session: