
Digital Market Research for Chanel Cosmetics香奈儿彩妆的数字市场调查

Is purchasing destination country luxuries one of your reasons goingabroad?请问购买当地奢侈品是否是您旅行的原因之一?
Yes 是
No 否
Would you like to use the translation or the online product trial application if the Chanel store offers it?如果门店商家提供翻译软件或线上自助产品试用软件,您是否愿意使用?
Have you ever heard of Chanels customer loyalty program?请问您曾否听闻香奈儿的客户忠诚度计划?
Yes 有
No 无
Have you ever received an email or message from Chanel ?请问您有没有收到过香奈儿关于产品的邮件或短信?
Email 邮件
SMS 短信
What do you think about Chanel increase their price after quarantine? 对于疫情后香奈儿涨价,您怎么看?
Understand, other brands have also increased their prices能理解,其他品牌都涨价了
Understand, but the price has gone up too much理解,但是涨幅太大
Unacceptable, Chanel is making customers bear the financial loss不理解,香奈儿在让顾客承担疫情损失
It doesnt matter, Ill buy it if I like it.无所谓,喜欢还是会买