
Integration 2019 G2 - 综合培训 2019 G2

2. 培训的氛围如何? What do you think about the training ambience?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor
5. 你认为培训的组织安排情况怎么样? What do you think about the organization of the training?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor
8.是否达到了培训之前所预期的目标? Was the proposed objective of the training reached?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor
12.教员是否能够清楚的解释培训要点? Did the trainer(s) have a clear explanation for each important learning points?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor
13.教员是否能够很好地倾听学员? Did the trainer(s) listen to the participants carefully?
非常满意 Very good
满意 good
一般 Average
不满意 Poor
非常不满意 Very poor