
HERA 2019 screening - Social

KPI B1.1 Total workforce by gender, employment type (i.e. full or part-time),age group and geographical region.
Reported on gender, age and employment type (full and part-time)
Reported on gender, age and employment type (BUT NOfull and part-time)
Any of the three categories not reported
Report on Group-wide figure only
Reported on percentage
No disclosure
B1-B3 quantitative KPIs
Full Disclosure Partial Disclosure No disclosure
[KPI B1.2] Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and geographical region.
[KPI B2.2] Lost days due to work injury.
[KPI B3.1] The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category
[KPI B3.2] The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category.
[KPI B2.3] Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they were implemented and monitored.
Full disclosure
Partial disclosure
No disclosure
(KPI B5.3) Identify environmental and social risks along the supply chain
No disclosure
B8 Community Investment[KPI B8.1] Focus area of contribution
No disclosure