Social Media uses survey 社交网络(软件,媒体)调查

Thank you very much for filling this survey 欢迎您填写本次问卷

Q1:What is your gender? (您的性别)

Female (女)
Male (男)
Other 其他

Q2:What is your age? (您的年龄)

under 18 (18以下)
18 to 25
26 to 35
36 to 45
above 45 (45以上)

Q3:What is your Occupation? (您的职业)

Student (学生)
Teacher (老师)
Uni Staff (学校员工)
Other 其他

Q4:Where are you from? (您来自哪里)

China (中国)
Other Asian Countries (其它亚洲国家)
Europe (欧洲)
America (美洲)
Africa (非洲)
You can type specific country name here

Q5:The estimated time you spend on Social Media every day 您每天大约花在社交网络(媒体,软件)的时间

Less than an hour (一小时以内)
1 to 2 hours (一到两小时)
2 to 3 hours (两到三小时)
3 to 4 hours (三到四小时)
More than 4 hours (大于4小时)
Other 其他时间

Q6:Which Social Media you use most frequently?您最常用的是哪款社交软件 (Multiple choice 多选)

WeChat (微信)
Zhihu (知乎)
Other 其他

Q7:The factors that may influence your choice in Social Media 可能影响到你选择使用某款软件的因素 (Multiple Choice 多选)

Popularity in your community (周围人的使用程度)
Language (语言)
Layout (界面)
Cultural similarity (文化相似度)
User-friendly (易上手难度)
Other 其他因素

Q8:Social Media has improved the situation of information equality 社交媒体提升了信息获取的速度和质量

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 您的其他想法

Q9:The domestic Social Media is more user-friendly than foreign ones 国内的社交软件要比国外的软件更容易使用(用起来更舒服)

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 其他想法

Q10:Different social media use by people can lead to information separation i.e.Information asymmetry 当人们使用不同的社交软件时,会导致信息获取的不一致 或者说 信息不对称

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 您的其他想法

Q11:It is necessary that IT companies or government establish relevant regulations to filter certain information 科技公司或者政府制定相关法规去过滤某些内容是必要的

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 您的其他想法

Q12:Variety of Social Media facilitate flow of information 社交软件的多样化促进了信息的流动性

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 您的其他想法

Q13:You already knew that Social Media and search engine feed youpersonalized content based on predicting your preference 你之前就了解社交媒体和搜索引擎会猜测你的喜好并提供给你定制化的信息内容

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 您的其他想法

Q14:Social media consolidate social divide as they can easily acquire the information they like, thus stay in their comfort zone. 因为人们更容易获得自己想要的信息,从而更容易生活在舒适区里,所以社交媒体会强化社会分化问题

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 您的其他想法

Q15:There are many inconveniences in communication when people around or friends prefer to use different Social Media 当朋友和周围人倾向于用不同的社交软件时,沟通方面会感到很大的不便

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 您的其他想法

Q16:Information asymmetry could result in misunderstanding and bias 信息不对称可能导致误解与偏见

Totally disagree 完全反对
Partially disagree 部分反对
Neither agree or disagree 不同意也不反对
Partially agree 部分同意
Totally agree 完全同意
Other thought 您的其他想法

Q17:Are there big differences when you in your country and stay abroad in terms of Social Media using? 你使用的社交软件会因为你在国内和国外地点的不同而发生很大的区别吗?

No differences at all 完全没区别
Use more foreign social media than domestic ones 更多的使用外国社交软件
Use domestic social media more often meanwhile occasionally use foreign ones 更多的使用国内社交软件,偶尔使用外国软件
Spending similar time using domestic social media and foreign ones 用国内国外社交软件的时间一样多
Use foreign social media more often than using domestic one 用国外社交软件的时间大于用国内社交软件的时间

Social Media uses survey 社交网络(软件,媒体)调查

17题  |  4次引用

