
亲爱的受访者们,很高兴在这里见到你们! 希望您们参加调查并回答问卷。请仔细阅读每个问题和可能的选择。您们的答案将有助于了解外国学生学习与使用中文的基本情况。您们真诚的答案对于调查结果准确性非常重要。调查是匿名的,所获得的数据将仅以广义的形式使用。感谢您花费您宝贵的时间参加我的调查!Dear interviewees, it is a pleasure to meet you here! I hope, you will participate in the survey and answer some questions. Please, read each question and possible choices carefully. Your answers will help me to better understand the situation of studying Chinese by foreign students. Your honest answers are important. The survey is anonymous and the your personal data will be used only in a broad sense. Thank you for spending your precious time!


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