
UCAS-M Spring20 Final Survey

Student ID:
Course Organization: Do you have any other comments and constructive suggestions for this section?
What were the mainfactors that prevented you from getting as much as possible out of this course?You can choose more than one.
Limited ability in English listening
Limited ability in English writing
Limited ability to think analytically
Not enough homework tasks
Not enough writing exercises
Not enough time during class to think about the material on each slide.
Lack of interactionwith the teaching staff
Not enough class hours per week.
Do you agree that in order to maintain or improve your academic writing skills, it would be a great idea to stay connected with the Academic Writing Teaching Team until you start writing your own manuscript, for regular writing and peer review activities? Please use comment box at the end of this survey should you wish to comment on this particular point.
yes, great idea
no, not necessary
Do you think in the future, it would be useful to attend a 1-3 day Writing Workshop at your home institute, just before you start writing your own manuscript, to refresh your memory of the material covered in this course, and to update your writing skills?
yes, great idea
no, probably not necessary