

我们是一群来自新加坡国立大学的学生,现在在北京大学交换。我们正在做有关于了解消费者需求的市场调查。衷心感谢您能花两分钟来完成这份有意义的问卷调查!We are a team of students from the National University of Singapore, currently on exchange with Peking University. We are currently conducting a survey to find out more about the needs of our consumers. Thank you for your time in helping us with our survey.
Q1. 职业 (Occupation)
学生 (Student)
上班族 (Working)
家庭主妇 (Housewives)
退休人士 (Retiree)
自雇人士 (Self Employed)
其它 (Others)
Q2. 性别 (Gender)
男 (Male)
女 (Female)
Q3. 您拥有至少一台智能手机吗?Do you own at least 1 smartphone?
是 (Yes)
否 (No)
Q4. 请以1至10分评估您的购物体验。Rank your retail experience from a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best.
AR(增强显示)是个通过手机摄像头所照摄到的实物,并与虚拟物品结合在手机荧幕上的科技。Augmented Reality is a simple combination of real and virtual worlds (termed‘mixed reality’ as well)
Q5. 若有,您认为在实体零售购物体验上,有哪些方面能够提升呢?How do you think your physical shopping experience could be improved?
更好的客服 (Better customer service)
与五官有所互动与交流 (Engagement of all 5 senses)
与更好的科技结合(VR - 虚拟现实,AR - 增强现实的购物APP)(Better technology (AR,VR shopping apps) )
其他 (Others)
Q6. 您多常会检查您现在有什么优惠券是可以使用的呢?(How often do you check for your current discounts/coupons?)
一个星期一次 (Once a week)
一个月一次 (Once a month)
半年一次 (Once every 6 months)
一年一次 (Once a year)
不查 (Dont Check)
Q7. 您会愿意在接近您喜欢的店前时,在手机的通告栏上收到正进行的优惠活动的通告吗?Would you be willing to receive notifications about the ongoing promotions when you are in close proximity with your favourite stores?
是 (Yes)
否 (No)
我们希望通过AR游戏化技术提升消费者的购物体验。在我们的AR游戏app中,我们将有法提供更高价值的优惠券给予消费者。We aim to improve retail shopping experiences of consumers by introducing AR gamification technology through an AR coupon app platform. We are designing this app that would be to offer coupons with greater discounts to consumers when making a retail purchase.
Q8. 您使用这个平台来获取您感兴趣的优惠券的可能性是:How likely will you use this platform to access coupons for stores that you are interested in?
很可能 (Very Likely)
可能 (Likely)
不太可能 (Unlikely)
不可能 (Very Unlikely)
Q9. 为了得到更高价值的优惠券,您会愿意完成我们的AR游戏吗?Would you be willing to play an AR game that allows you to obtain coupons with greater discounts?
会 (Yes)
不会 (No)
Q10. 您会愿意花多少时间完成这个AR游戏以获得这个更高价值的优惠券呢?How much of your time are you willing to spend playing the AR game in order to obtain coupons with greater discounts?
少于一分钟 (Less than 1 minute)
一至二分钟 (1-2 minutes)
二至五分钟 (2-5 minutes)
多于五分钟 (More than 5 minutes)
Q11. 完成了我们的AR游戏后,您认为您会更倾向于使用该优惠券来消费吗?After playing our AR game, would you be more inclined to make the purchase?
会 (Yes)
不会 (No)
Q12. 若会,是因为:( If yes, the reason is because,)
完成游戏而更有满足感 (Greater satisfaction from completing the game)
更便宜的物品 (Cheaper product)
其他 (Others)
若 Q12 添了其他,请讲解:(If others, please specify: )
谢谢! Thank you!