2013 year end internal survey

     Dear CS FSEs, CS Sales, CS Managers,In order to improve the working quality of support team in CS, we invite you to complete the internal survey. It will cost you 15-30 mins but it will contribute to allow support team to support your work better in 2014. It is anonymous so you can express your true feeling.  Appreciate your time and wish we will work together to make CS team better.      为了使后方同事更好地支持前线工作,特邀请您参加此次内部问卷调查。该调查需要花费您15-30分钟,而您的反馈将会极大帮助我们了解如何在来年及未来更好地支持您的工作。此次调查为完全匿名,所以请您表达真实想法。感谢您的时间,我们将与您一起努力建设更好的CS团队。                                                                                                         2013年12月

2013 year end internal survey

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