HQ宁德万达嘉华酒店考核评估总经理 GM Annual Assessment for Wanda Realm Ningde

目的:全方位评估被考核者的绩效与工作表现及技能;发现工作中的不足与促进自身提高;作为公司评优和晋升的依据;引进优胜劣汰机制         Objective: All-around assessment to the members’ performance, attitude and skills, find their shortcomings, improve themselves. The results will be used to award and promotion.要求:严守秘密,保障被考核人的权益;客观公正,不主观臆断;坚持原则,杜绝人情因素;不熟悉者可不打分。        Requirement: Keep confidential, objective and fair, adhere to principle. To those unfamiliar members, you may not deliver assessment.

HQ宁德万达嘉华酒店考核评估总经理 GM Annual Assessment for Wanda Realm Ningde

24题  |  4次引用

