
亲爱的各位国际导游:Dear fellow international tour guides:        这是关于成都英语导游的跨文化交流能力的调查。本问卷旨在了解成都市英语导游的跨文化交际能力, 此调查结果将用作改进旅游行业教育和导游培训方法。此问卷为匿名问卷, 不会泄露您的任何个人信息。请结合自己的实际情况填写。您真诚的合作是我们科学研究的重要基础, 也是对我们的大力支持和鼓励! 非常感谢您的合作!
  This questionnaire is about a survey of intercultural communicative competence of international tour guides in Chengdu. Thank you for your time dedicated to fill this form. The questionnaire was designed to understand the intercultural communicative competence of international tour guides in Chengdu, and the survey results will be used to improve the tourism education and staff training methods. It is an anonymous questionnaire, which will not disclose any of your personal information. Please fill in with your own actual situation. Your sincere cooperation is the basis of our research, and also a huge support and encouragement! Thank you for your cooperation!


10题  |  7次引用

