秦皇岛旅游反馈Qinhuangdao travel feedback

尊敬的先生/女士:DearSir / Madam: 感谢你参加这次调查问卷。这是一个用于论文研究的调查问卷,本调查问卷的答案没有正确与否,请根据您印象作答。请不要遗漏每一个问题,我们会对您的回答保密。感谢您抽出宝贵的时间回答问题,谢谢您的支持和配合。Niceto meet you!Thank you for participating in the survey. The surveyis an academic research.  The questionnaire doesn't have"right" or "wrong" answer. Please according to your actualfeelings and thoughts answer. We guarantee complete confidentiality for youranswer. Your cooperation and coordination is essential for the successfulcompletion of this study. Please do not miss each question item. Thank you foryour support and active participation!提示:1.本题共29道,谢谢您的耐心配合。       2.本题都是打分题,1-5分,1分是强烈不同意,5是强烈同意。 Notes:1.There are 29 questions. Thank you for your patience.          2.All the problem are scoring titles, 1-5 points, 1 point is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly              agree.

秦皇岛旅游反馈Qinhuangdao travel feedback

31题  |  2次引用

