Which country do you want to travel? 你想去哪个国家旅游?

 Dear classmates, thank you very much for your answer. This questionnaire for anonymity, all the data for statistical analysis only, please feel free to fill out. Subject options there is no right or wrong, please according to own actual situation to fill in. Thank you for your help.亲爱的同学们,非常感谢你的答题。本问卷实行匿名制,所有数据只用于统计分析, 请你放心填写。题目选项无对错之分,请你按自己的实际情况填写。谢谢你的帮助。

Q1:What is your gender?你的性别?

Male  男
Female   女

Q2:Which country do you want to travel? 你想去哪个国家旅游?

Canada  加拿大
Korea  韩国
Australia  澳大利亚
French  法国
Madagascar  马达加斯加

Q3:Why do you want to go to the country?你为什么想去这个国家?


Which country do you want to travel? 你想去哪个国家旅游?

4题  |  2次引用

